Tagged: Boids

Avian Flow: Continuum Boid Dynamics

I’m excited for this, if only because of the enormous amount of humorous nomenclature that will come of it. Ok, here we go.

Have you ever heard of Boids? Boids (‘Birds’ with a Brooklyn accent) refers to a certain type of algorithm for simulating the flocking of large numbers of animals – for example, the eponymous birds. The word refers both to the algorithm itself and to the individual elements being simulated, which are rendered onscreen and whose motion through simulated space evolves according to a set of three rules. The particular details of the algorithm may vary from implementation to implementation, but these three main features of the Boids’ are usually the same.

Boids, as entities, possess a position and a velocity, and obey the following physical principles:

  1. Alignment. Boids wish to conform to the flight paths of their neighbours, and so will rotate to align their own velocity with the average velocity of neighbouring boids which are sufficiently close.
  2. Cohesion. Boids like to fly in groups, and they like to be as close to the centre of the group as possible. For this reason they also steer towards the mean position of those sufficiently close neighbours.
  3. Separation. Boids don’t, however, like to collide, so they will actively avoid any of their neighbours that come too close.

If you want to have a look at an actual implementation and some wonderful, in-depth visualisations of all of these things, then you can do no better than this post over at Harry Brundage’s blog. Seriously, go over there and have a play. I’ll wait here.

Neat, huh? But why should we care? Why am I talking about boids? Well, the first thing that came into my head when I learned of boids was:

Why not make this a continuous system?

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